City of Barrie Representative
Councillor Gary Harvey
City of Barrie - Ward 7
Gary Harvey was acclaimed as Ward 7 Councillor in the 2022 Municipal Election. He is currently serving his second term as ward 7 Councillor.
Gary has been employed in the judicial system as a law enforcement officer for the past 33 years. Currently working as a Detective supervising a team of investigators in the Criminal Investigations Bureau. He and his wife Donna have been residents of Barrie and Ward 7 for the past 23 years. Over this time they have seen farm fields turn into subdivisions and plazas. They have two daughters who were both born here in Barrie at the Royal Victoria Hospital and are competitive dancers at a dance studio that is also here in Ward 7.
Gary’s community focus and volunteerism began at a young age after being a co-op student with the Canadian Red Cross. Upon completing his co-op he continued to volunteer with the Red Cross as a first aid instructor teaching scout and guide group’s first aid at no cost. Gary also refereed minor hockey for 15 years prior to making the move to Barrie to start a family.
Since 2010, Gary has also served on the Board of Directors for the Ontario Association of Crime Stoppers, which provides oversight and guidance to the 38 Crime Stoppers programs across Ontario.